Computer Abbreviations10BaseT (RJ-45) = 8 pin ethernet port or connector. Looks like an oversized telephone jack or connector.
ADB = Apple Desktop Bus port is where your keyboard, mouse, trackball, etc. connect to. Apple = Apple computer (Mac, Macintosh, iBook, etc.) or non PC. AV = Audio Video. Example; the Apple Power Macintosh 8600AV supports Audio & Video IN & OUT ports to enable you to watch & record to and from your TV, VCR, DVD, DAT, etc. The video out feature enables you to see your computer screen on a TV and you can record to VHS or DVD, depending on the devices you own. C or C50 = Centronics or Centronics 50 pin connector (SCSI cable). CPU = Central Processing Unit. Also see, MHz. DIMM = Dual Inline Memory Module DRAM = Digital Random Access Memory F = Female connector HDD = Hard Disk Drive LED = Light Emitting Diode or very small light bulb. M = Male connector. MB = Mega Byte MHz = Megahertz or Speed of computer or the CPU. Nubus = is an expansion slot found in Power Macintosh 61xx, 71xx and 81xx and Macintosh II and Quadra models. PC = Personal Computer but not an Apple. Confusing, isn't it? PC 100/PC 133 = A memory chip or DIMM that runs at 100MHz or 133MHz and runs at 3.3 volts. Works in some PC's and PowerMac G3's. The 5.0 volt DIMMs only work with older Macintosh and PC models. Do not attempt to interchange these DIMMs with the wrong model or serious damage to the logic board may occur. PDS = Processor Direct Slot. Most commonly found in Nubus based computers. This is an expansion slot where a CPU upgrade card can be installed. PCI = is an expansion slot that is faster than the Nubus models. Here you can install just about any PCI card for your specific Macintosh model. PDF = Portable Document Format. You'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print these documents. PM = Power Mac or Power Macintosh. Portable = Laptop, PowerBook, iBook, a computer that runs on batteries/AC power. RAM = Random Access Memory or SIMM/DIMM/RIMM. The more RAM you have, the more programs can be run at the same time. Turning off Virtual memory is a good idea if you have enough RAM installed since VM is not compatible with alot of software programs. RIMM = Rambus Inline Memory Module. These are used by some newer PC's. SCSI = Small Computer System Interface. Apple used to have all there computers come with a built-in SCSI port for adding SCSI devices. SIMM = Single Inline Memory Module. The older Apple & PC computers use this type of RAM. DIMMs were used to replace this type of memory. USB = Universal System Bus. VM = Virtual Memory. The computer uses hard disk space to create more RAM. VRAM = Video Random Access Memory. The more VRAM your video card has, the better your multimedia, games & graphics programs will be. Plus the added video resolutions and color depths. The speed of your computer has alot to do with drawing images to the screen also. |